Basic Rendering

Zion provides a few rendering utilities on top of the native canvas API, like clearCanvas(), coordinateConversion(), insertText(), etc, which save you from diving too deep into the fuss.

Specifically, for image rendering, Zion uses the canvas-image-cache, which enhances the performance in a way that image instances will not be recreated from scratch for each rendering after being loaded at first.

const cu = zion.createCanvasUtils();

cu.clearCanvas(canvas, context);

The basic APIs below:

  • clearCanvas(canvas, context)
  • coordinateConversion(canvas, x, y) : get the coordination with respect to the canvas boundaries
  • getBoundaries({ x, y }, size)
  • generateRandomPosition(canvas, middle = false, spriteSize)
  • createImageCache(): create the canvas-image-cache utility
  • drawRotate(context, { img, x, y, degrees }): draw rotate sprites
  • insertText(context, options = {}): insert text into canvas

Particle Systems

Zion supports an extendable particle system for grouped-sprite management. For visual effects, Zion provides two functions for easy object creation: createUniformParticles() and createRandomizedParticles(). The former allows simple creation of uniform particle sets, providing an efficient solution for multiple like-objects. The latter allows for randomized particle set creation, suitable for varied graphical effects and unevenly distributed objects (e.g. varying sprite sizes, speeds, etc.). All particles extend our Obstacle Physics System, requiring no additional collision detection.

You can create a new Particle System by supplying a Particle's desired properties:

 // Create two new ParticleSystems: one uniform, one random
 let boulders = new ParticleSystem();
 let fire = new ParticleSystem();

 // Supply properties for the uniform system
 boulders.createUniformParticles(src, size, position, speed, numParticles, divisionType);

 // Specify options and create random particles
 let properties = {
     src: 'fire.png',
     size: {width: 10, height: 10},
     maxHorizontal: 30,
     maxVertical: 40,
     speed: 5,
     divisionType: 0

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